

I'm happy the big crit came and went. But now the big deadline is coming up fast! I only have a week to animate and nuke everything! SO WHY AM I HEAR!!!! Taking a break....

This is Elda, the tailor's wife actually. No not in my thesis, in another one of my stories I made called, Sleepy Willow. It's about a Victorian town where strange things happen. I like town's where strange things happen in them. To bad my town isn't one of them! GRAH!

But yes, Elda's story is she's a nanny who hates kids with bad habits, especially thumb sucking. So she sends her husband out to get them. Hence, that's how that tale came to be about the Thumb Cutting Tailor. yup yup......

As for that pie..... it's blueberry, bleck!!! (in my opinion at least, I'm a personal fan of apple thank you very much :p )

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