Yummies! I WUV camdy lamd!
But in all seriousness, haha... just got into a conversation about our favorite games as children. Candy land was my most favorite, my sister even had the PC game where this scary gingerbread kid leads you around the kingdom. I think my favorite part of that PC game was robbing King Kandy of all his candy, HAHA!
I heard something tragic though! It's becoming a live action movie apparently??? NO!!!! I wanted to make Candyland a movie darn it! And a cartoon, no live action!
I did some sketches:
The twins of the game.
The characters. You totally can't tell Mr. Mint, Queen Frostine, and Lord Licorice are my favorite characters.
Hmmm..... now that I look back on these, it doesn't look like, CANDYLAND, a magical adventure where the twins find themselves in a magical land of candy and happiness!
It looks more like...
RETURN TO CANDYLAND, a movie where the twins go back and everythings gone to hell!